Francine Bastien

TBL Council Meeting December 2023

Francine Bastien, LJI

According to the town’s minutes Mayor Richard Burcombe chaired the session in the presence of all councilors. The recording of the question periods is available on the TBL’s website.
Administration – Awarded $47,829 contract to the Blanko firm for the redesign of the town’s website. Loan of $3,290,000 with interest of 4.4% to 4.95% spread over five years.
Human Resources – Hired a new First Responder: Mathilde Laroche.
Urban planning and environment – The Council supports requests to the CPTAQ for the use of land zoned green for purposes other than agricultural on Johnston, Auclair and Iron Hill roads.
Public safety – 20th anniversary of First Responder Services in TBL.
Four first responders, Alan Bowbrick, Reginald Gauthier, Glenn Mason and Philippe Hébert, received the medal from the Governor General of Canada for their 20 years of service.
Three first responders, Alan Bowbrick, Vivien Grenier, and Philippe Hébert, were awarded the Heart of Gold for successfully resuscitating patients in 2021.

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TBL Council Meeting January 2024

Francine Bastien, LJI

The session was chaired by Mayor Richard Burcombe in the presence of five councilors, the general manager and the clerk. About fifteen citizens are in the audience. The mayor sends his happy new year wishes.
Administration – Award of a $34,492 contract to the firm Appcom for the production of a tourist guide for the town with a mobile application and a digital version.
Human resources – Creation of the position of assistant clerk. Christine Marchand will leave her duties as archivist to take up this new position.
Approval of the indexation of salaries of management and non-union employees. Elected officials will see their emoluments indexed at a rate of 2 percent in 2024.
Regulations – Adoption of a bylaw aimed at regulating the establishment of quarries and sand pits on the territory.
Urban planning and environment – Approval of a project to build eight housing units at 12-30 Elm Street. A bicycle shop will occupy the former premises of Aluminum Knowlton.
Leisure, culture, tourism and community life – Grants awarded: Knowlton Film Festival: $20,000; Pettes Memorial Library: $176,000; Théâtre Lac-Brome: $95,000; Brome County Historical Society (Museum): $50,000; Optimist Club: $1,500.
Next session: Monday February 5, 2024, 7 p.m. at the CLB.

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Taxes increase in TBL

Francine Bastien, LJI

Global inflation and the scarcity of labour are having an impact on the finances of the Town of Brome Lake. Thus, the average increase in the level of taxation for 2024 is 5.5%, an increase of 1% compared to last year. The rate is 4.9% for residences with water and sewer services and 6.2% for residences not serviced by the Town. Pumping $400,000 from the budget surplus helped the administration to contain the tax increase. The latter, however, exceeds the consumer price index established at 4.6% at the end of 2023. This situation makes Mayor Richard Burcombe say that “this budget has been the most difficult since I have been mayor”. Mr Burcombe was elected in 2013.
Sewer and water rates have not changed but the cost of insurance (+17.9%), the spreading of dust suppressant (+38.9%) and snow removal (+50.4%) %) literally exploded. Add to this the cost of refinancing the debt which will increase from one to 5%, and we find all the main ingredients explaining the hike in the Town’s expenses.
A $50M three-year plan:
Despite this situation, TBL has ambitious plans for the next three years. The main projects are:
1. New fire station: $11.5 million including $6 million planned in subsidies;
2. Renovation of Fulford Rd., creation of a cycling corridor:
$7.5 million, 50% of which is planned in subsidies;
3. Repair of sewer and water infrastructure and re-asphalting of downtown Knowlton : $13.1 million;
4. Renewal of underground infrastructure and management of wastewater runoff: $6.6 million
The Town is continuing its water search. The large infiltration gallery should become operational in 2026. Finally, the renewal of 53% of the TBL’s debt – which will reach $23,234,000 this year – promises to exert new pressure on future budgets. Not to mention that next year will mark a new cycle of the assessment roll. Here again, tax increases seem inevitable.

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Conseil VLB – Novembre

Francine Bastien, LJI

Projet de 76 logements refusé

Le surplus de la ville fond de moitié

Une trentaine de citoyens assistent à cette séance présidée par le Maire Richard Burcombe en présence de cinq conseillers du greffier et du directeur général.

Le DG Gilbert Arel dresse un premier portrait de l’année financière qui s’achève. De 2 millions $ qu’il était à pareille date l’an dernier, le surplus budgétaire fond à moins de 900 000$ cette année. Les droits de mutation sont responsables pour 750 000$ de cette somme bien que la Ville s’attendait plutôt à toucher 1,2 M$ grâce à cette taxe. Reflet de la hausse des taux d’intérêts qui augmentent les coûts d’emprunt de la Ville et de la baisse du marché immobilier. Les coûts du déneigement ont augmenté de presque 300 000$ affirme le maire.

Questions – Attendu cet automne, le plan stratégique quinquennal de la Ville ne sera déposé qu’en début 2024. Plusieurs citoyens se plaignent du trafic lourd et de la vitesse sur la rue Bondville depuis les travaux entrepris sur le chemin Lakeside. Des mesures d’atténuation semblent difficiles à mettre en place rapidement. Interrogé sur les assouplissements apportés par le gouvernement fédéral à la Loi sur la marine marchande, qui régit la navigation sur le lac, la conseillère Louise Morin explique que l’adoption d’un règlement sur la navigation sur le lac Brome est une option sur la table.

Fermeture de la succursale de la Caisse Desjardins, sur le chemin Knowlton. La bâtisse sera vendue a expliqué le maire. Des guichets automatiques pourraient être conservés si le nouveau propriétaire y consent.

Ententes et contrats – VLB investit 26 270 $ pour étudier l’aménagement du site du marché public vers son emplacement initial sur la rue Maple.

Ressources humaines – Embauche de trois nouveaux employés aux loisirs, travaux publics et parcs.

Urbanisme et environnement – Le conseil dit non à un projet de développement de 76 logements sur 10 bâtiments sur la rue Highland. «Trop forte densification, mauvaise intégration au patrimoine bâti et forte augmentation de la circulation locale» sont les motifs invoqués pour ce rejet. Le conseil approuve le projet de rénovation de l’immeuble qui abritait autrefois la boutique «Le Shack» sur Lakeside.

Le conseil demande à la commission de protection du territoire agricole la permission de construire en zone verte sur le chemin Johnston.

Loisirs, culture, vie communautaire – La Folie de Minuit aura lieu le samedi 9 décembre. Octroi de 3 930$ à l’école St-Edouard.

Prochaine séance: lundi, 4 décembre à 19h au CLB

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