Published February 13, 2024

Francine Bastien, LJI

According to the town’s minutes Mayor Richard Burcombe chaired the session in the presence of all councilors. The recording of the question periods is available on the TBL’s website.
Administration – Awarded $47,829 contract to the Blanko firm for the redesign of the town’s website. Loan of $3,290,000 with interest of 4.4% to 4.95% spread over five years.
Human Resources – Hired a new First Responder: Mathilde Laroche.
Urban planning and environment – The Council supports requests to the CPTAQ for the use of land zoned green for purposes other than agricultural on Johnston, Auclair and Iron Hill roads.
Public safety – 20th anniversary of First Responder Services in TBL.
Four first responders, Alan Bowbrick, Reginald Gauthier, Glenn Mason and Philippe Hébert, received the medal from the Governor General of Canada for their 20 years of service.
Three first responders, Alan Bowbrick, Vivien Grenier, and Philippe Hébert, were awarded the Heart of Gold for successfully resuscitating patients in 2021.

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