Published February 13, 2024

Francine Bastien, LJI

Global inflation and the scarcity of labour are having an impact on the finances of the Town of Brome Lake. Thus, the average increase in the level of taxation for 2024 is 5.5%, an increase of 1% compared to last year. The rate is 4.9% for residences with water and sewer services and 6.2% for residences not serviced by the Town. Pumping $400,000 from the budget surplus helped the administration to contain the tax increase. The latter, however, exceeds the consumer price index established at 4.6% at the end of 2023. This situation makes Mayor Richard Burcombe say that “this budget has been the most difficult since I have been mayor”. Mr Burcombe was elected in 2013.
Sewer and water rates have not changed but the cost of insurance (+17.9%), the spreading of dust suppressant (+38.9%) and snow removal (+50.4%) %) literally exploded. Add to this the cost of refinancing the debt which will increase from one to 5%, and we find all the main ingredients explaining the hike in the Town’s expenses.
A $50M three-year plan:
Despite this situation, TBL has ambitious plans for the next three years. The main projects are:
1. New fire station: $11.5 million including $6 million planned in subsidies;
2. Renovation of Fulford Rd., creation of a cycling corridor:
$7.5 million, 50% of which is planned in subsidies;
3. Repair of sewer and water infrastructure and re-asphalting of downtown Knowlton : $13.1 million;
4. Renewal of underground infrastructure and management of wastewater runoff: $6.6 million
The Town is continuing its water search. The large infiltration gallery should become operational in 2026. Finally, the renewal of 53% of the TBL’s debt – which will reach $23,234,000 this year – promises to exert new pressure on future budgets. Not to mention that next year will mark a new cycle of the assessment roll. Here again, tax increases seem inevitable.

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