Pooja Sainarayan

Winter is coming and microbes can track it

By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

As the seasons change, plants and animals all over the northern hemisphere have begun preparing for the cold winter months ahead. Using environmental cues, these multicellular organisms have complex proteins and the ability to form memories in order to sense the coming of the cold season. Interestingly, this ability to anticipate and prepare for the winter is not limited to complex organisms. Biologists have recently shown that at least one type of bacterium, the cyanobacteria, is capable of its own seasonal response, suggesting that this behaviour is a very innate and fundamental property of life.

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae are photosynthetic microscopic organisms that arise naturally in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The oldest known fossil dated 3.5 billion years old coming from Archaean rocks of western Australia are cyanobacteria. Considering that the oldest rocks are relatively only a litter older (3.8 billion years old), the cyanobacteria are indeed one of the oldest life forms on Earth. Since life was completely anerobic during the evolution of cyanobacteria, it is believed that these bacteria were directly responsible for the wiping out of anaerobic organisms and eventually resulting in The Great Oxidation event. The release of oxygen by these photosynthetic organisms was responsible for the earth’s atmospheric makeup, the origin of aerobic metabolism and ultimately, the evolution of multicellular organisms. It would not be wrong to say that we owe our existence to cyanobacteria. Although cyanobacteria helped to form and sustain our oxygen-filled atmosphere, its overgrowth, also known as “cyanobacteria bloom” can result in concentrations of toxins that are unsafe to the environment and living things. Of note, not all blue-green algae blooms are toxic. The reasons behind why some blooms produce toxins at any given time is not completely understood, which is why it is probably safe to avoid them altogether.

Cyanobacteria cells contain certain proteins that allow for photoperiod recognition. These proteins fall under the Kai family of proteins and are called KaiA, KaiB and KaiC, used by these bacteria to sense the hours of sunlight and darkness in a given day, called photoperiod. A group of researchers at Vanderbilt University hypothesized that the cyanobacteria’s photoperiod sensing may also extend to sense seasonal changes. To test this, the scientists grew cyanobacteria on a dish with summer-, intermediate- and winter- like conditions and then took cells from each condition to place into either a bucket of ice (0°C) or an incubator (30°C) for 2 hours. Afterwards, the cells were transferred back into the dish (30°C) to multiply for 5 days. The researchers measured the amount of cells that grew from the ice bucket versus the incubator and found that the cyanobacteria which were subjected to shorter photoperiod were up to three times better at surviving winter-like temperatures compared to those subjected to longer photoperiods. In addition, by removing the Kai-proteins and repeating the same experiments, the researchers demonstrated that the cyanobacteria could sense the shortening of days and prepare for the cold weather.

It is known that some cells can modify their fat composition on their cell walls to preserve their structure during colder temperatures. To understand whether a similar biochemical mechanism was occurring in the cyanobacteria, researchers chemically extracted the fats in the cells of cyanobacteria grown in winter conditions and measured the composition of these fats. This confirmed that the cells grown under the winter photoperiod conditions indeed increased their unsaturated fats to protect the integrity of their cell walls and avoid freezing. To sum it up, cyanobacteria rely on daily timekeeping to sense the shortening of days in order to biochemically prepare for the seasonal changes, known as photoperiodism. As photoperiodism was never observed in bacteria before, the researchers theorize that this ability likely evolved longer than we had previously thought and may even exist in other microorganisms.

The researchers also found that different genes were being used depending on the length of daylight. For instance, colder winter months brought about genes that increased metabolism to counteract the slower metabolic activity during winter. During the summer, genes implicated in protection against sun damage came into play. Apart from extending this research to other types of microorganisms and their ability to sense the seasons, it could also be particularly useful in detecting whether microorganisms responsible for toxic blooms can predict seasonal changes and to study the timing of these blooms to better control them. Further research into understanding photoperiodism in algae may serve to protect water habitats during blooms.

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To rake or not to rake?

By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

Leaf raking is often a topic of debate amongst many homeowners. Is it necessary? Are there any benefits to leaving the leaves and letting nature take its course? Can raking the lawn wait until spring or is it better done during the fall season? Let’s take a closer look at the ecology behind raking.

According to the National Wildlife Federation, raking our leaves does far more damage than good. In addition to robbing the lawn of essential nutrients, raking disrupts the wildlife habitat and important environmental cycles. In one article from the National Wildlife Federation, naturalist David Mizejewski describes how leaves create a natural mulch that prevents weed growth and enriches the soil as it breaks down.  Nature’s mulch is a much better alternative to spending money on mulch and fertilizer. In addition, raking can disrupt various wildlife habitats that rely on leaves for food and shelter. Pollinators such as butterflies and moths rely on leaf litter for nesting before emerging in spring. Birds also go through leaf litter to find food for their young ones. In cases where leaves are not composted, sending leaves to landfills increases greenhouse gas emissions worsening climate change. According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 8.7 million tons of yard matter, including leaves, were disposed of in landfills in 2017, totaling approximately 6 percent of all waste in landfills. Combined with other organic waste, they can break down and release methane, a strong greenhouse gas. As leaves do smother the lawn, the National Wildlife Federation recommends replacing stretches of lawn with planting beds consisting of native plants and using leaves as mulch. Instead of throwing leaves away, let them stay where they’ve fallen and when needed, compost them or use as mulch in existing gardens.

While raking may help the ecosystem flourish, it may not be the solution to a well-kept lawn. The most significant benefit of raking is to help the grass grow. A thick bed of leaves will deprive the lawn from breathing and getting enough sunlight, thereby inhibiting the growth of grass. In addition, leaves piling on the lawn can promote snow mold diseases which can kill grass in the winter and early spring. When the mold spores get released in the air, it can negatively impact human health, especially those with mold sensitivities and allergies. Ticks and the presence of other animals like mice can also increase with large leaf beds, which can cause damage. Leaves left on walkways or decks for long periods of time can stain these areas. The best time to rake leaves is during autumn, when leaves are dry prior to the first frost or snow fall. Some homeowners prefer raking as the leaves fall in batches during the season while others wait until all the leaves have touched ground before picking up a rake. Although both are acceptable options, it comes down to the quantity of deciduous trees and the rate at which leaves collect on the yard during the fall season. Spring raking is also recommended as this loosens up any areas of matted grass that did not survive the winter or succumbed to mold.  If this is not taken care of, these dead areas create thatch. Thatch buildup occurs when organic debris in the soil accumulates faster than microbes can break it down.

Although excessive leaf beds on the lawn may smother it, some leaf coverage is perfectly alright. Homeowners can find some middle ground between what is good for the lawn as well as the ecosystem. One way is to rake less often and mow the lawn instead to chop leaves up. In addition to providing nitrogen and other organic matter to the grass, this will maintain soil moisture and protect root systems. The local wildlife can also benefit from the leaf litter remnants. If the leaf layers are too thick, try using a leaf blower to move the piles for later use as compost or mulch in garden beds as much as possible. If the leaves are already on your garden beds or near shrubs or bushes, leave them be. They will break down and be an excellent source of mulch come spring. If surrounding the head of perennial plants, make sure to move those away. If possible, redistribute the leaves along your yard’s perimeter close to wooded areas or in areas where it’s not a bother for local wildlife. As important as it is not to send leaves to the landfill, it is also important not to burn leaves as this can release toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide.

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The fall saga – healthy eating that helps the environment

By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

Food preservation has been a practice since ancient times, and basically refers to the process of safely lengthening the lifespan of food while maintaining as much of the nutrient quality as possible. There exists various methods – drying, smoking, salting, freezing, canning, pickling and more. With the increasing demand for fresh food and reducing overall food waste to promote a healthier environment, preservation has become increasingly important in food independence and culture.

One of the oldest methods of food preservation is dehydration. By removing moisture from food, the bacterial growth is inhibited. Depending on the humidity of your location, this method may prove to be a challenge. However, if humidity is an issue, dehydration followed by freezing the food may be the best technique to prevent bacterial growth. Storing dehydrated food in airtight containers is important in maintaining the dehydration levels. Modern-day methods such as water-bath canning which uses heat to kill any bacteria or enzymes in the food products is commonly used for high-acid foods such as tomatoes and fruit jams/jellies. Similarly, pressure canning used for low acid-foods such as vegetables and meats is another method of processing product in a jar. Pickling uses high acid concentration through the pH preservation of food, which needs to be followed by water-bath canning to kill off any potential bacterial growth that remains in the jar. Finally, freezing food is also commonly used and is one of the most affordable methods of food preservation. Freezing slows down the growth of bacteria and enzymes but does not completely eliminate them. For this reason, thawing food in a refrigerator helps keep them safe. So how are the nutrient contents affected by various preservation techniques?

Some vitamins are less impacted by processing than others. Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin K, A, D and E are more stable during processing and storage than water-soluble vitamins (vitamin B and C). The most stable vitamins include vitamins B3 (niacin), K, D, B7 (biotin) and B5 (pantothenic acid). The most unstable vitamins are folate, thiamine (B-complex vitamin) and vitamin C. Food processing methods that expose food to high levels of heat, light or oxygen may cause the greatest loss in water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins B and C. However, the fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, protein, fat and carbohydrates would be less affected by processing methods using high heat, such as canning.

Pressure canning may preserve more vitamin content compared to water bath canning, as the food is subject to high pressures rather than heat. Dehydrating food can also reduce the amount of vitamin C, but it can result in higher nutrient contents such as fibre in plant-based foods. As the food becomes more energy-dense when it dries out, over-consuming dehydrated products may result in weight gain. If the dehydrated food is cooked with water, this results in more nutrient loss as they are leached out of the food and into the water. Freeze-drying is also commonly used to preserve food and conserves more nutrients than simple dehydration. In contrast to dehydrated food where roughly 75 per cent of the original nutrients are retained, freeze-dried foods retained approximately 95 per cent of its nutrient value. On the other hand, cooking food has lots of benefits such as breaking down parts of vegetables that are harder to digest, destroying harmful bacteria and releasing phytochemicals (chemicals produced by plants). For instance, phytochemicals are greater in cooked tomatoes than when consumed raw. Freezing food is a great way to preserve the nutrients. The nutrient losses are often due to the processing prior to freezing, such as blanching where the food is heated very quickly with steam or water. Onions, leeks, rutabaga and peppers do not need to be blanched prior to freezing and therefore results in high nutrient yield post freezing. The nutrient loss (mainly vitamins B and C) from blanching is generally only 10 to 20 per cent. Although canning may result in some nutrient loss, other nutrient content may actually increase. Therefore, canned foods and frozen foods are both a comparable means of preservation in terms of retaining the foods nutrient contents.

In summary, there is some vitamin and mineral loss with all preservation methods, but this is relatively minimal. The global impact of food preservation helps the environment by significantly reducing food waste. In addition, there is continual demand for fresh and sustainable food to meet the needs of producers and consumers. Food preservation also faces challenges, in ensuring safety, quality and effectiveness which requires continuous research and education to promote a healthy and durable food system.

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The ever-changing world of AI

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By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

AI technology allows machines to learn from experience and adapt human-like intelligence. The reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all around us, from its use in banking, GPS guidance, smart home devices and generative AI tools like chat GPT. Humans have been toying around with AI for several decades, however the implication of the technology is evolving now like never before. AI can be traced back to the 1950s, from the design of chess-playing computers to the first artificial neural network. There are two major subgroups of AI – weak and strong. Weak AI, also known as artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) is trained to perform very specific tasks. This is the type of AI that is most common in day-to-day tasks today, some examples include Amazon’s Alexa and self-driving vehicles. Strong AI on the other hand, is a theoretical form of AI where a machine would have an intelligence equivalent to or even greater than humans. It would be self-conscious with an ability to learn, solve problems and strategize. Strong AI only exists in science fiction for now, but research on its development is ongoing. AI technology often goes hand-in-hand with deep learning, which is closely modeled after the adaptability aspect of the human brain, to develop AI algorithms in learning from accessible information and perfect its ability in making predictions over time.

Several cities in Canada have been implementing deep learning AI technology for various projects. For example, Edmonton has integrated AI with remote cameras to monitor wildlife coming into the city. Since 2022, Alberta has been using AI tools to analyze data points and foresee where new fires are most likely to occur the following day, giving firefighters a head start. A powerful tool worth research and improvement, as tech partners predict this investment could save up to 5 million dollars a year. Montreal is experimenting with Fujitsu, an AI tool used to analyze the traffic flow of over 2000 traffic lights in order to help the city take proactive measures in decreasing traffic-related issues. Apart from increasing the flow of traffic and reducing air pollution, it can also help the city plan maintenance routes for snowplows or other service vehicles more competently. In addition, Montreal’s transit agency is planning to use AI to monitor the CCTV footage to recognize any signs of public distress in efforts to prevent suicide in the subway system.

Recently, municipalities in Quebec City have been adopting AI tools to track everything from trees, cars and backyard pools. The Communauté métropolitaine de Québec (CM Quebec) which encompasses Quebec City and its suburbs, states that this project will help municipalities monitor urban growth, parking availability and environmental goals. The geomatics development manager of CM Quebec, Frédérick Lafrance mentioned the organization has worked with deep learning AI technology using aerial photos of the city to identify buildings, swimming pools, backyard trampolines, cars and various other features. As expected, the AI would be able to analyze larger data sets of the aerial photos in a shorter time frame compared to humans, to get more work done in less time. This AI-generated data analysis can be used in several ways, such as measuring urban greening and tree cover versus how much of it has been converted to asphalt over time, said Lafrance. Tracking backyard pools and such features can help the city coordinate inspections. However, the use of AI as a surveillance tool is very different from having an inspector perform the duty, so it remains to be seen how the public reacts to this change. In this case, the AI is using already generated aerial footage to differentiate objects, and not digging into further information such as licence plate numbers or the make and model of any objects.

Interestingly, on the other hand, the impact of AI can go beyond measuring trees and backyard pools. In a 2017 U.S study, an AI deep learning tool was used to characterize the make and model of cars in millions of pictures from Google Street View. Researchers found that in cities where sedans were the majority over pickup truck vehicles had an 88 percent chance of voting Democrat whereas cities with more pickups had an 82 percent chance of voting Republican. Findings like these serve as an important tool for policymakers and pave the way for ethical and sociological questions.

Despite having a relatively brief history, the technology has shaped our lives like nothing ever before. As AI technology grows more and more powerful, we can only expect its impact to increase with the years to come.

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Not all weeds are our nemesis

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By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

Invasive plants and weeds are often used interchangeably, but generally speaking, weeds refer to plants growing where they are not welcome. Weeds can be local or non-local, invasive or non-invasive, and competitive or easy going. However, weeds tend to share certain properties in which they can gain advantage over desirable plants. First, they can reproduce in many way – sexually by seed and asexually by rhizomes. Second, certain weeds can block the sun from other plants by leafing out sooner than slower growers. They can also retain their leaves for a longer time during fall, allowing for a longer photosynthesis period and ultimately increasing their survival. As a result, weeds have populated areas undergoing extreme conditions such as draughts and have come on top as survivors. Apart from their top-notch survival skills that can harm the reproduction of other plant species, can our local weeds serve other purposes?

Weeds can give us a lot of information about soil, as all plants have specific environmental conditions, including soil preferences in order to thrive. For instance, the nitrogen content and whether the soil is too compacted or eroded. Identifying weeds that give hints on these possible issues can help us make the needed changes such as tilling or adding organic matter to our gardens. An example is weeds with deep taproots, such as dandelions and burdocks can be an indicator of compacted soil that lacks air, water and nutrients. On the other hand, weeds are the ecosystems way of correcting the soil to achieve more balance. Dandelions and burdocks have deep and strong roots that also help break up the compacted soil. Similarly, weeds can also be an indicator of good soil. In the case of common groundsel, knapweed, lambsquarters and fiddleheads that are all common weeds of Quebec, signal nutrient-rich and fertile soil.

Apart from providing hints of soil conditions, some weeds have played crucial ecological roles. The milkweeds are a prime example of such weeds. In Quebec, there are four native species – Common milkweed, Swamp milkweed, Poke milkweed (relatively uncommon), and the Butterfly milkweed (endangered species in Quebec). Milkweeds are perennials that carry flowers grouped in umbels. They are called milkweeds because of the milky white sap that leaks when the plant is injured, which may cause an allergic reaction in some people. The nectar of milkweed attracts many pollinating animals such as butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and wasps. Monarch butterflies feed exclusively on milkweed, being the only host plant for this butterfly species. The issue is, despite the importance of native milkweeds, these plants are often mistaken for regular weeds and wiped out causing harm to pollinators and declines in the monarch butterfly populations. In addition, milkweed has been used by the First Nations as food, and to make rope. The common milkweed has made a comeback because of the properties of its fiber, which is made by the silky hairs of its seeds. It is used primarily in thermal insulation, stuffing for quilts and pillow and even as an absorbent material in oil spills.

Other weeds such as dandelions and purslane offer several health benefits to humans. In French, the word dandelion translates to “pissenlit” which translates in English to “pee in bed”. This name comes from the strong diuretic properties of the dandelion leaves. The dandelion plant is edible and has been used throughout history to treat several conditions such as digestive ailments, joint pain and fever, although the evidence of efficacy requires more research. The dandelion leaves are highly nutritious, providing beta-carotene and vitamins C and K. The roots contain inulin, a prebiotic fiber that nourishes the good-gut bacteria. So, skip the weed killer and rid your lawn of dandelions by harvesting them! Similarly, purslane, also known as portulaca is an edible weed. It is known to contain ten times the omega 3 fatty acids found in spinach. It can be served raw in salads where it tastes like pea shoots, or it can be steamed where it tastes like spinach. Of note, beware of toxic imitators such as euphorbias that often grow close by. Euphorbias release a milky sap when its thick stem is broken, providing an easy method of identification.

To conclude, weeds can be detrimental to the garden and in some cases even toxic to humans. On the other hand, they can provide many benefits to pollinators and human health, meriting more respect than they get. It may just be worth it to research our garden weeds in more detail to learn about their possible key roles in our ecosystem and human health.

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The Solar Spectacle – Northern Lights explained

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By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

The aurora borealis is a beautiful nighttime marvel that is worth travelling afar to observe. In fact, for most people it is the only way to come across “space weather.” Aurora activity is an indicator of ongoing geomagnetic storm conditions or solar flares. Solar flares are eruptions of energy, extreme ultraviolet light and x-rays that are caused by intertwined magnetic fields at the Sun’s surface. These magnetic fields can abruptly come undone or recombine producing the solar flares. X-class solar flares are the most intense type of flare the Sun produces.

A giant solar storm hit the Earth’s geomagnetic field on the first week of May, resulting in the most intense geomagnetic storm and longest displays of the aurora borealis seen in over two decades. After an approximate two-week break, the sunspot section that resulted in the intense storm seen in the beginning of May named Active Region 3664 (AR3664), had rotated back to face the Earth. Although appearing smaller than when we last saw it, the sunspot now renamed AR3697 still left quite a mark. On May 29th, the returned sunspot blasted out remarkably long intervals of solar flares, which lasted over an hour. According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which assesses geomagnetic storms on a five-point scale, this geomagnetic storm was rated at an average G2 that peaked on Friday May 31st, compared to the severe G4 storm seen in early May. The AR3664 noted in the beginning of May, emitted nearly a dozen X-class flares. As the sunspot was going out of view by Mid-May, the emissions reached X8.7-class, the most powerful flare since 2017. Although the brightness and duration of the aurora activity seen the end of May was not the same as in the beginning, the forecast still showed a likelihood of spotting the northern lights throughout most of Canada.

Solar flares release high energy particles and radiation, amongst which energetically charged particles (high-energy protons) and electromagnetic radiation (x-rays) are the most dangerous emissions. On the surface of the Earth, we are shielded from these emissions by the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere. The x-rays from solar flares are halted way above the surface of our planet. However, they do disrupt the Earth’s ionosphere which consequently disrupts radio communications. In combination with energetic ultraviolet radiation, these emissions heat the Earth’s outer atmosphere, causing it to widen. Additionally, emissions and changes in the atmosphere can interfere with satellite communications such as the accuracy of Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements.

It is now known that most of the severe geomagnetic storms are caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), commonly associated with solar flares. The precise relationship between CMEs and flares is still not completely understood, as flares can trigger CMEs but sometimes CMEs can be observed without any flares. CMEs carry more material than flares throughout interplanetary space, raising the probability that these dangerous emissions interact with Earth. Solar flares alone produce high-energy particles close to the Sun, some which escape into space. However, CMEs drive a shock wave that can continuously release energetic particles as it spreads through space. When a CME hits the Earth, its impact disrupts the Earth’s magnetosphere, producing a geomagnetic storm. After it leaves the Sun, a CME normally takes three to five days to reach Earth. So, observing the correlated solar flare of ejection of CMEs from the Sun gives an early warning of geomagnetic storms.

Astronauts that are on a mission to the Moon or Mars are in serious danger from the energetic particles of flares. However, astronauts that stay relatively close to the Earth are not in immediate danger as they do not have to worry about the cumulative radiation exposure. A major problem with geomagnetic storms is the temporary loss of electrical power over a large area. The most well-known case of this occurred in 1989 in Quebec. The high flux in the magnetosphere causes elevated electric currents in power lines, exploding the transformers. This can occur more frequently at higher latitudes, where the induced electricity is greatest, and in areas that have longer power lines and where the ground’s conductivity is weaker.

The consequences of geomagnetic storms are more disruptive now than in the past due to our increased dependence on electronics and satellites that can be impacted by electric currents and energy particles up top in the Earth’s magnetosphere. In addition, the cost associated with repairing satellites and large-scale power grids can be very expensive and time consuming.

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Chaga – The medicinal mushroom

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By Pooja Sainarayan

Local Journalism Initiative

Chaga, Inonotus obliquus is a fungus that grows on tree trunks, mainly on yellow and white birch trees found in Quebec as well as other parts of Canada. Chaga flourishes in extreme cold environments making Canadian chaga highly valued. The fungi exists as an encrusted black growth on the trunks called a conk, which absorbs nutrients from the wood. Chaga mushrooms can be found on wounded trees where the conk grows out of the broken branches or trunks. The fungus shields the tree’s wounds and protects it from invasive microbes. Although loggers referred to this fungus as “tree cancer”, it has recently exploded in popularity in the west due to its many natural medicinal properties. The host tree and chaga can co-exist in symbiosis for several years, and the mushroom can be collected up to three times over the course of its lifetime. The chaga actually extends the life of the host tree so that the fungi can survive.

Trees that look similar to birch such as aspen may sometimes be infected with the chaga mushroom, however chaga taken from these species of trees is thought to contain less medicinal properties than the birch chaga does. To harvest the mushroom, it is important to leave enough behind so that the fungus is still touching the exterior of the tree. This ensures that the tree remains protected against any further environmental damage or future infections. Chaga usually grows high up on the tree, so in order to harvest the fungi, one would need to climb the tree. In addition, chaga that is found higher up is speculated to be more potent. Harvesting chaga from fallen or dead trees, or chaga that has fallen to the ground is not advised as it may be contaminated with mycotoxins. This is known as “dead chaga” and is black from the inside and out. Trees containing chaga growing on or close to contaminated lands, mills and industrial areas is also not recommended to harvest. When harvesting the fungi, it should be the size of a large soft ball at minimum and using the proper tools such as an axe, machete, or battery-operated saw is required as it is difficult to separate from the trunk. Proper harvesting and handling methods are key to reaping the most benefits.

Once the chaga has been harvested, it can be processed for consumption. The black outer crust should not be discarded. An air compressor can be used to blast away any dirt and bark. Chaga must be dried immediately following harvest in a well-ventilated area, or kept in a deep freezer if processed at a later time. Placing the chaga to dry quickly in a hot oven is speculated to remove most of its biologically active nutrients, however a commercial food dehydrator can be used. The fresh chaga must be cut into approximately 2-inch pieces to dry until the pieces are stiff and crumbly. The dried chaga can then be storied in an air-tight sealed container for several years.

The history of the chaga mushrooms dates back to centuries, where it was used in ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Chaga tea has also been used in Russia since the 16th century, as well as in Poland and other Baltic countries. The fungus is believed to have several health benefits such as antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. In addition, it was also used to treat gastric problems, tuberculosis, diabetes, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. Chaga was also used for centuries by Canadian aboriginal First Nations people. So, let us look at any possible scientific evidence to support the medicinal properties of chaga.

According to a 2021 article published in the Polymers journal, the extract from chaga mushrooms, known as Inonotus obliquus polysaccharide (IOPS), which is a major bioactive component present in the mushrooms, exhibited significant hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, anti-fatigue properties, as well as cytotoxicity towards several cancer cells such as hepatic carcinoma, lung cancer, ovarian and cervical cancers. In addition, the low toxicity of the chaga mushrooms makes it more attractive for further investigations. However, the polysaccharide composition and content variations between the natural habitat environment and extraction methods are not the same. Therefore, the standardization of planting and extraction is of high importance. Other studies have shown that the various bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides, triterpenoids, polyphenols, and lignin metabolites are responsible for the many health-benefiting properties of the fungus.  Further investigations in the precise mechanisms of the compounds found in chaga and its interactions with enzymes or proteins of the relevant pathways are required to establish more concrete scientific evidence in its health benefits.

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