Published September 11, 2024

Peter L. Smith
Local Journalism Initaitive

WALTHAM: The regular monthly municipal council meeting was held Tuesday, September 2, at the town hall with about 35 ratepayers in attendance. MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller, Mansfield-et-Pontefract Mayor Sandra Armstrong, and Fort-Coulonge Mayor Christine Francoeur were also present.

Copies of the report compiled by the Commission municipale du Québec (CMQ) regarding the misconduct of former Director General Fernand Roy were made available to the public. Copies are also available at the municipal office. Council accepted the report and deposited it with Director General Annik Plant, committing to act on the recommendations put forth.

Other issues discussed included trailers and permits along the Black River Rd. Some members of the public expressed concern that permits were not being obtained or regulations followed. Council noted the concerns and agreed to look into them further.

Concerns were also raised over the visibility of the school bus in the sharp curve on Chemin du Traversier (Ferry Rd). Some suggestions included better signage, a conclave mirror, and asking the property owner to trim hedges.

All regular monthly meetings are open to the public and include a public question period.

Photo – The Waltham Municipal Council L/R: Councillors Leonard Godin, Ramona Marion, Brenda Landry, Mayor Odette Godin, Tyler Rochon, Brendan Adam (newly elected), Elwood Allard, and Director General Annik Plante. (PS)

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