The Lion’s Club’s annual Remembrance Day brunch

Fred Langan, LJI

The Lion’s Club’s annual Remembrance Day brunch takes place on Sunday, November 12 between 9 a.m. and noon at Knowlton Academy. “Enjoy a generous menu of pancakes and sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, beans and tourtière all cooked up by Lions members and served by Girl Guide volunteers,” says Margo Pfeiff of the Lion’s Club. She adds that veterans will be honoured at a special table, and the local Harmony Band will perform tunes from the war years and at the end of brunch a wreath will be laid at the Cenotaph.

Ms. Pfeiff notes that for those who want to apply for a Christmas gift card (formerly a basket), the last day to return applications to the Lac Brome Community Centre is November 17.

The Lion’s Club is planning ahead for the annual Santa Claus parade which will start at Windmill Plastics on Victoria Street at 1 p.m. on December 2. “Anyone wanting to participate with a float or animals should show up earlier so they can be placed in the lineup for the parade which finishes at Knowlton Academy with a Santa visit,” says Ms. Pfeiff. “Those who have arranged for Christmas gift cards must pick them up at the Lac-Brome Community Centre on December 9 between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.”

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