Mo Laidlaw
Local Journalism Initiative
MUNICIPALITY OF PONTIAC – Council’s monthly meeting was held July 9 at the Luskville Community Centre. A few residents were present.
Following questions from a resident about “the invoice for the SIRCO investigation”, Councillor Laforest moved that this item be removed from the agenda, which was adopted. This was to do with staffing issues in the planning department.
Chantal Cayer was rehired as a clerk in the planning department and Leanne Steiner as a temporary office clerk.
Council authorized the reimbursement of $750 for use of the Quyon Community Centre for a wedding in June when the air conditioning wasn’t working.
Council supports the Kebaowek First Nation’s legal action to protect the Ottawa River from radioactive contamination.
Although a majority of councillors supported a motion to have access to legal advice from various law firms, this was vetoed by Mayor Roger Larose.
A draft bylaw (15-24) on remuneration of councillors and the mayor was adopted. A meeting with the public will be held about proposed increases in salaries.
Public works
The latest bylaw (09-24) on maintaining private roads open to the public by tolerance was adopted.
A Kubota DM2028 mower will be bought from Huckabone’s Equipment for cutting hay and weeds along roadsides, for $15,500 plus tax.
The offer from Proligne to repaint lines for 42 cents/km on various roads, including Montagne, Pères Dominicains, Village, Murray and Clarendon, a total of $9,657.90, was accepted.
Nathan Ely and Susan Stanley were hired as day labourers.
Serge Newberry was hired as a building technician to issue permits and certificates.
Council supported an application to the CPTAQ to renew authorization to operate a sand and gravel pit at 1963 Alexander, as there is “no suitable space outside the agricultural zone for concrete, asphalt and brick recycling.”