Published November 13, 2023

Screenshot of google maps showing the wooded area of the site that will eventually get developed.

Photo credit: Screenshot by Sophie Demers

Richcraft Homes planned to submit an 89-unit, 116-parking space project to the city but withdrew the plans after citizens raised concerns. The project was set for 65 rue de la Croissée.

Residents received a letter from their municipal councillor Caroline Murray, who organized an information session with a representative from Richcraft, the developers. Residents also got to voice their concerns to the Service de l’Urbanisme et de Développement Durable. Murray says approximately 20 citizens attended the meeting.

“I knew residents were concerned and I thought it was important to have a dialogue with them because these processes can go quickly with the city,” said Murray. “The session went well. The developer was receptive to citizens’ comments about the project and the citizens understood the project.”

A resident of the neighbourhood spoke with the Aylmer Bulletin, stating their concern for the increased traffic in the area, as the neighbourhood has only one entrance and exit. The increased traffic would have made the narrow residential street feel like a main traffic artery. Residents also raised concern about the safety of the street if there were 116 additional cars. Other residents voiced their concern with the number of trees the developer would have to cut down to build the building.

“In my opinion, I don’t think Richcraft withdrawing their project fixes the issue,” said a resident. “The councillor said it herself; whether we like it or not, they will be building on that land. Aylmer has an urban planning problem. This isn’t about Richcraft or any other company; it’s about the City not listening to community concerns. The list of issues is piling up and densification to help with the housing crisis seems like an unrealistic solution since people still can’t afford their rents, property taxes or even their groceries.”

The developers will most likely re-work the plans and re-submit the project to the city. There is still development at the planned site. However, there are no details on the changes to the plans or what the future development will look like. Residents will have to wait to see what plans the developers submit to the city. Richcraft Homes was contacted but did not respond at press time.

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