Published November 18, 2023

Brenda O’Farrell
The Advocate

The Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec has ordered four companies to cease excavation operations in the town of Mercier in the Montérégie area.

The companies – 9403–0749 Québec Inc., Les Entreprises Canbec Construction Inc., Excavations Bergevin & Laberge Inc. and Les productions maraîchères Bourget et frères Inc. – were ordered to stop backfilling parts of a former sand pit on land owned by Bourget et frères. Authorities claim contaminants were detected in the backfill material, citing its proximity to underground wells.

“The commission’s mission is to ensure the maintenance of the integrity of agricultural land throughout Quebec,” said Stéphane Labrie, president of the CPTAQ. “Individuals and companies not respecting the obligations of the law and the conditions of authorizations granted by the commission must be denounced and called upon to correct their deviations with regard to our agricultural land.”

The companies have until the end of November to submit proof they hold the proper authorization to carry out the backfilling. Failure could result in a second order being issued by the CPTAQ to rehabilitate the site, including removing all fill material transported to the location, as well as provide a rehabilitation plan.

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