Camilla Faragalli, reporter
Funded by the Local Journalism Initiative
The Pontiac Lions Club was full to capacity on Sunday afternoon for its annual Christmas Turkey Bingo.
With the soft whirring of the club’s antique bingo-machine in the background, volunteer Kelly Beauregard called the numbers as nearly 70 people quietly dabbed away at their Bingo cards and nibbled on chocolates provided by the club.
“Everybody seems to look forward to our Christmas Bingo all year long, so we usually get a good turnout. Even the kids get involved!” said Debbie Frost, secretary of the Lions Club and a resident of Vinton.
She added that proceeds from the fundraising event go towards supporting the club.
“We give back to the community all year long,” she said. “[We give] bursaries, and to people who are in need of different things.”
The winners of four “special” games won noteworthy prizes – turkeys – along with $20 cash.
Joanne Hearty was one of the lucky winners.
“I’m going to frame the [Bingo] card, because I’ve never won before,” she said with a laugh, adding that she looked forward to digging into her winnings at Christmas dinner.