Sophie Demers
LJI Reporter
Gaston Bédard, was celebrated as a successful marathon runner while being completely blind
and deaf. However, the runner was found guilty of sexual assault by the Quebec court.
The 17-year-old victim was aiding Bédard by accompanying him on his run as a running guide,
which he needed to run outdoors. The victim met the runner at his home, where he commented
that her cotton shirt was not suitable for the runner, offering her a running jersey. The incident
occurred when the victim changed her shirt, and he touched her breasts without her consent
while stating that he had not seen a woman’s body in over 10 years.
The behavior continued during their run when Bébard made sexual comments, asked questions
about her private life, and touched the victim’s breast and buttocks.
Bébard denied the accusations stating that the conversation did not occur, and any touching
was accidental. However, the judge determined that there was insufficient evidence supporting
Bédard’s denial. After a review of the evidence, the judge found that the charge was proven
beyond reasonable doubt.
On October 7, 2021, Bédard was found guilty of sexual assault.
Bédard and his lawyers proceeded to appeal the court’s decision. Stating that the judge wrongly
found discrepancies in Bédard’s testimony which affected his credibility. Although mistakes were
made by the judge regarding two minor details, the court of appeal found that these errors did
not affect the judge’s reasoning process.
Another appeal was made to the court claiming the judge relied on stereotypes about disabled
All appeals were dismissed by the court of appeal in January of this year.
Photo: Gaston Bédard, blind-deaf marathon runner found guilty of sexual assault.
Photo credit: Aylmer Bulletin Archives