Tony Rotherham
All members of council were present; seven residents were in the audience.
The meeting opened with a presentation by Hydro-Quebec on Hilo, an energy conservation pilot project open to residents of West Bolton, Austin, Eastman, Potton, Sutton and the Boltons, free of charge. The hydro system serving this area was built between 1910 and 1960. It is old and does not provide adequate power to serve modern needs. Rebuilding it will take several years. There are two periods each day when electricity demand spikes; 6 – 10 a.m. and 5 – 9 p.m. Hilo is a computer-controlled service that helps to reduce demand during these periods by lowering the settings on thermostats that control baseboard heaters. Hydro estimates that householders using Hilo will save about $140 each year. Residents of the municipalities in the area are eligible to join the pilot project free of charge. Apply to Hydro between November 6 and 22, 2023.
Town Planning – Nine permits were issued with an estimated value of $723,000.
Mr. Dominique Murphy has been appointed to the CCU for a period of two years.
The municipal building inspector will coordinate changes in management/conservation of forests and wetlands required by the MRC.
Roads and Infrastructure – There was a short discussion of a proposal to reconfigure the intersection of Spicer and Bailey roads to improve public safety.
Emergency work to repair culverts on Stagecoach and Glen Road have been completed.
Avizo Experts have been hired to assess the cost and feasibility of a proposal to improve the flow of water in the creek that crosses Brill Road at the junction with Argyll Road. and avoid a repetition of the 2019 flood.
Purchase of a ½ ton truck was approved.
Rebuilding of the bridge on #243 at Tiffany Beach will disrupt traffic for about two months. Some traffic will detour through West Bolton. Detour signs should be prepared.
Speed limits on all municipal roads will be reviewed and changes made in 2024 if required.
Leisure and Culture – West Bolton’s agreement with the Pettes Library in Knowlton has been renewed.
Next Meeting: Monday, November 6