Published February 10, 2024

Martin C. Barry

Thousands of moms, dads and children turned up at the Centre de la Nature in Duvernay as well as smaller parks all over Laval on the weekend of Jan. 26-27-28 for Laval en Blanc, a rejuvenating celebration of winter that serves as an annual counterpoint to the city’s popular Fête de la Famille during the summer months.

Laval’s Centre de la Nature in Duvernay was one of dozens of venues where moms, dads and kids could gather on Jan. 26-27 and 28 for Laval en Blanc, the city’s annual three-day celebration of winter designed to add a little spice during the cold time of the year. (Photo: Martin C. Barry, Laval News)

For some, the idea of having fun outdoors during the winter, in temperatures hovering around zero degrees Celsius, is a novel concept and a discovery in itself – although it’s the very reason Laval en Blanc is organized each year by the city.

Fun for everyone

There was snow sledding, ice skating, zip line rides, fireworks obstacle course racing, snow sculpting, even some musical performances to be enjoyed by kids and their families in warmth inside a pavilion. However, the activities weren’t limited just to the Centre de la Nature.

While some people end up “climbing the walls” while confined inside this time of year, here was a real opportunity to get it out of your system at the Centre de la Nature during Laval en Blanc 2024. (Photo: Martin C. Barry, Laval News)

Parks all over the City of Laval hosted a range of other Laval en Blanc activities. They included the Berge aux Quatre-Vents in Laval-Ouest, the Berge des Baigneurs in Sainte-Rose, the Bois Armand-Frappier in Chomedey, the Bois de l’Équerre in Sainte-Rose and Parc de Lausanne in Vimont/Auteuil.

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