Published May 11, 2024

By Chelsey St-Pierre
The Suburban

The Iranian Youth Circle organized a demonstration in downtown Montreal to denounce Iran’s missile attack on Israel, calling on the Canadian government to declare Iran’s paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization. “Stand and fight for human rights!” the demonstrators chanted.

The group states that IRGC members are terrorists and is calling on the Canadian government to revoke the citizenship and permanent residency of IRGC members residing in Canada and force them to leave the country.

One of the organizers, Negin Sepehri, says that the world needs to understand that Iranian people are separate from the mullahs (Islamic Shia clergy). The values of Iranians coincide with those of Canadians and Israelis who strive to maintain the highest standard of democracy. “The majority of people (Iranians) with brains in their head don’t have any problem with Israel.”

“Canadians can act and demand, as we are, that the IRGC be named a terrorist organization,” one of the demonstrators, Ava Afrashteh, said. “We want people to know that Iran is not the Islamic Republic.”

A flyer distributed at the demonstration illustrates the past 45 years of the horrendous treatment of women, crimes, repression, torture, executions, assassinations and warmongering under the Islamic republic. The flyer highlights the “bystander” effect, calling on Iranians and Canadians to stand up and speak for human rights and dignity. n

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