Published December 10, 2024

Sarah Rennie – LJI reporter

Around 50 people attended an information session with Kruger Energy, the developer behind the Les Jardins wind farm project, at the recreation centre in Hemmingford on November 26.

Jean Robert Poulin, the project development director for Kruger Energy, provided an update on the project which includes 13 turbines in Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, three turbines in Saint-Michel, and five turbines in Saint-Édouard. Hemmingford is included in the project because all the electricity generated by the turbines will be transmitted by underground cables to converge at the substation located in Hemmingford Township.

The company is in the process of completing the environmental impact assessments and inventories on the different sites, as well as visual and noise simulations. Poulin confirmed that all the information gathered over the past months “has not had any impact on the project configuration.” A series of informative panels were set up in the room with the preliminary results of the different studies.

Poulin said the studies, which include an environmental impact assessment, including several sound studies and models, a shadow analysis, a landscape study including a visibility analysis and visual simulations, an archaeological assessment, and biological inventories will be finalized before the end of the year.

Once completed, these will be submitted to the government. Initial presentations will also be submitted to the Bureau d’Audiences Publique sur l’Environnement (BAPE) and the Commission de Protection du Territoire Agricole (CPTAQ). The ensuing approval and permitting process will take up much of 2026.

Construction on access roads, the distribution network, foundations, and the substation is expected to start in 2027. The wind farm should be operational by December 2028 following work to upgrade existing roads, the installation of wind turbines, and site remediation.

More details on the wind farm can be found online at

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