Published July 8, 2024

Sophie Demers

LJI Reporter

Gatineau’s executive committee positioned itself in favour of the expansion of Vanier Road between Pink and Aylmer Road. Over the last few years, there has been significant development along the major artery, as well as significant population growth in Aylmer, making it difficult for residents to navigate Vanier with the increased traffic.

Many welcome this news as residents and local councillors have been advocating for the expansion for many years.

Caroline Murray, Deschênes councillor, announced that Gatineau has already taken a first step by awarding contracts for an environmental impact study as well as an opportunity study. Despite the enthusiastic announcement, there is still a long road ahead as the studies will take three years to complete.

Despite the timeline, the expansion is expected to include two lanes in each direction, as well as bike paths and sidewalks, which have been in high demand.

The environmental impact study is required by Bureau d’Audiences Publiques sur l’Environnement (BAPE). During a July 3 press conference, Gatineau Mayor Maude Marquis-Bissonnette stated that the opportunity study will provide a better overview of what is needed for the expansion.

“The study will allow us to see the impact and opportunities on des Allumettières, on Alexandre Taché, Aylmer Road and on Pink Road,” said Marquis-Bissonnette, highlighting that they will take into consideration the future Tramway which will intersect Vanier Road. The opportunity study will also evaluate traffic flow along the major artery.

WSP, an environmental consulting company, was awarded a $2.85 million contract.

The municipal council will officially approve these first steps during the July 9 council meeting.

Photo: The intersection of Vanier Road and Boulevard des Allumettières, the largest and most congested intersection along Vanier Road.

Photo Credit: Sophie Demers

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