Taylor Clark
LJI Reporter
Gatineau will be the first city to acquire a Scientific Council following its approval at the
February 20 municipal council meeting.
“We are presenting an innovative formula, undoubtedly representing a significant step forward in
Gatineau’s decision-making process,” former mayor France Bélisle said in a press release. “This
initiative demonstrates the City’s commitment to organizational performance and the sharing of
scientific knowledge for a better understanding of the solutions available to us.”
In collaboration with l’Université du Québec en Outaouais, the council will provide the City with
support to unlock a “360-degree vision” of important projects. The council will function in an
advisory role with municipal services in the planning of projects to optimize all municipal
practices and decisions.
“I am delighted that the Ville de Gatineau is equipped with this innovative and essential means
for informed and transparent decision-making,” said Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital district councillor
Olive Kamanyana, who had proposed the concept. “This initiative is significant added value for
Gatineau’s vision of a results-oriented partnership.”
Made up of three to five principal researchers appointed by the university along with a city
representative and university representative, the council will support the Service de la
performance organisationnelle et de l’intelligence d’affaires et scientifique.
Those whose expertise is deemed necessary may serve as guest members of the council.
Photo caption: L’Université du Québec en Outaouais and the Ville de Gatineau have joined
forces to establish a Scientific Council, the first of its kind.
Photo credit: Université du Québec en Outaouais Facebook