Published April 27, 2024

By Chelsey St-Pierre
The Suburban

Fred Fox visited Beaconsfield High School (BHS) students last Friday to speak about his brother, Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope. The lecture was held in the Linda McKenty Memorial Auditorium followed by a question period from students.

Sporting a shirt with his brother’s photo and the slogan “No matter what”, Fox gave a message of hope and inspiration.”Terry was just like them, he was a student with struggles. He had to work hard to overcome his challenges and meet his goals,” Fox told The Suburban. “There are many opportunities for students to give back, to volunteer in the community. Terry understood the importance as a young person of giving back.”

Math teacher Adam Cox-Twardowski organized the event after he received a call to introduce students to Fred Fox. “It was an instant yes. BHS has such a rich history over the last 43 years of Terry Fox Runs, we have never missed a single one. Last week, the opportunity came up for Fred Fox to visit and I said ‘absolutely’. Students are like sponges and they absorb this information. This gave students the opportunity to see the back story behind Terry’s accomplishments.”

Students expressed their appreciation of the mid-day activity. “This was very meaningful for me. My interpretation was that we should be determined. Don’t forget that you can keep going, you can do it, like Terry when he was running,” Grade 7 student Katelyn Jordan told The Suburban.

Following the event, students returned to their classes for the remainder of the school day with a renewed sense of hope and thoughts to reflect on. n

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