Taylor Clark
LJI Reporter
The mayor’s seat is not the only thing open in this by-election. The position of Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital district councillor is also available as independent candidate Olive Kamanyana vies for mayor.
Those interested in being candidates for mayor or for councillor of the Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital district can apply until May 10. Candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility conditions provided in the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities.
A declaration of candidacy form, which is available at the office of election president on the fifth floor of the Maison du citoyen, must be completed. Candidates were invited to make an appointment with the office of election president to submit their declaration of candidacy.
The names of the registered candidates can be found on the City’s website at gatineau.ca/election. For more information on the municipal by-election, the public and candidates can visit gatineau.ca/election.
Photo caption: Gatineau residents will not only be able to have their choice of mayor on June 9 but also the next district councillor for Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital.
Photo credit: Élections Québec Website