Published January 13, 2024

Chelsey St. Pierre – The Suburban LJI Reporter

ABOVAS, an accompaniment service in the West Island is looking for volunteers.Since 2007, a team of volunteers help West Islanders without the means for transportation to get to medical appointments and conduct errands, free of charge. Volunteer drivers receive a small compensation to cover the costs of using their vehicle.

“Our volunteers go to our client’s homes, they bring them from the door to the car safely, they drive them to their appointment, which is either medical or a non-medical appointment. They help them, and then they bring them back home,” ABOVAS executive director, Denise Hupé, stated.

ABOVAS is recognized by the Agence de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de Montréal. The medical accompanied-transport service covers recurring, annual and unplanned appointments on the island of Montreal. The social accompanied-transport offers accompaniment to the grocery store, the pharmacy, malls, spiritual centers, post offices, cleaners and more.

“It is important to understand that our volunteers do more than drive our clients to their appointments. They listen to them and make them feel safe. They pick them up at home, accompany them to the waiting room of the health center or though the aisles at the grocery stores and drive them back home,” the service stated.

To make a request for accompanied-transport to a medical or social appointment or to sign up to be a volunteer, go to:

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