Mélissa Gélinas LJI Reporter
After 15 years of existence, the Enfants au chaud program managed to raise a record amount of $45,950 in donations this year.
For the occasion, a spaghetti dinner was held on October 26 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in the Buckingham sector. Buckingham District City Councillor Edmond Leclair and Gatineau Mayor Maude Marquis-Bissonnette were present as honourary presidents of the program.
Fifteen years ago, Sébastien Joncas founded Enfants au chaud in collaboration with the Maison de la famille Vallée-de-la-Lièvre. Seeing many children walking around the streets of Buckingham during the winter without boots or suitable clothing, Joncas took the initiative to help the community by setting up this project. Since then, this solidarity movement has helped keep more than 300 children warm each year.
“The first year, at the very first spaghetti dinner for the fundraiser, there were only about 20 people,” mentioned Luc-André Faubert, Director General of the Maison de la famille Vallée-de-la-Lièvre. “Barely $10,000 was raised each year and now we’re able to raise more than $45,000.”
“The monetary donations come from residents as well as from several sponsors,” explained Faubert. “This money is used to purchase new winter clothing that will be distributed to the children.” People can also donate new winter clothes, if they wish, by going directly to the Maison de la famille Vallée-de-la-Lièvre located at 321, Avenue de Buckingham.
Photo: Cheque for $45,950 presented during spaghetti dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Buckingham for the Enfants au chaud program (October 26, 2024) (MG) Photo: Edmond Leclerc Facebook Page