Published June 26, 2024

Taylor Clark

LJI Reporter

The 120-year-old Alexandra Bridge will need more work than originally anticipated before the historic structure reopens to vehicular traffic.

As custodian of several bridges and crossings between Quebec and Ontario, Public Services and Procurement Canada conducts rigorous inspections, monitoring, and intervention regimes to ensure infrastructures remain safe for their users.

Following an inspection of the Bridge’s steel structure, Public Services and Procurement Canada detected more severe deterioration due to corrosion.

Motorists were advised that the current closure, originally expected to be from October 2023 to fall 2024, would be extended to February 2025 to complete the ongoing rehabilitation and repair work.

During this time, one lane will remain open to pedestrians and cyclists.

Photo caption: Public Services and Procurement Canada informs the public that vehicular traffic will not hit the Alexandra Bridge until February 2025, as more rehabilitation and repair work is needed.

Photo credit: Taylor Clark

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